Daily Duties

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11 December 2009 17:00:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirinshorn represented Her Majesty the Queen in presiding over the opening ceremony of the "2009 Friends in Need (of "PA")" hosted by the Friends in Need (of "PA") Volunteers Foundation Thai Red Cross at Suan Kularb Palace where Her Royal Highness Princess Soam Sawali awaited greeting.

11 December 2009 15:45:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn represented His Majesty the King in granting permission to Mr Sumate Yamnoon, Secretary-General, the Office of the Higher Education Commission to call upon the students of the Asian Institute of Technology who received the Royal Scholarship for the education development in Asia region from His Majesty the King and the Royal Scholarship for the environmental development from Her Majesty the Queen to receive the 2009 Scholarships from Her Royal Highness.

11 December 2009 15:30:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously granted permission to Professor Emeritus Somsak Chakpaiwong, President, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand to call upon the Committee of the College to present Her Royal Highness with the College Brooch and the Gown as a mark of honour for the status of Honorary Member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Thailand.

11 December 2009 15:15:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn represented His Majesty the King in granting permission to 4 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa.
  - Mr Theera Salakpetch, Minister, Ministry of Culture called upon the working group of the special performance in honour of His Majesty the King on the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary 5 December 1997 and the performance in honour of Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra to present the income derived from the both events to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King.
  - General Wanchai Ruangtrakul, Chairman, the 2008 National Father's Day event called upon the Committee of the event to present the income derived from the event to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King. Also attending with Her Royal Highness were Mr Peerapong Samerasuth, Chairman, the Volunteers and Education Support Association and colleagues who presented Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the 2008 National Father's Day as donation made to Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Foundation.
  - General Wichaya Devahastin Na Ayudhaya, Vice-Chairman, the Devahastin Royal Family and the members of the Royal Family presented money to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King. Also being presented to His Majesty the King was the Buddha Image carved by the golden teak.
  - Miss Patamarat Tempitak, Director, Satri Sisuriyothai School and colleagues presented money to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King. 

Her Royal Highness afterwards granted permission to 8 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness.
  - Mr Chanchai Chairoongruang, Minister, Ministry of Industry and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the Book Shelf and the Special Book in honour of His Majesty the King.
  - Mr Chai Soponpanich, President, Bangkok Insurance PCL. and colleagues presented money to Her Royal Highness on the auspicious occasion of His Majesty the King's Birthday Anniversary 5 December 2009 as follows :
    1. As thedonation made to the "Bangkok Insurance PCL" Fund in the Anandha Mahidol Foundation for 2009.
    2. As the donation made to Chaipattana Foundation.
    3. As the Scholarship for students under the royal patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in "Pandit Kuen Thin" ("Return to Work for Homeland") Project for 2009.
    - Mr Anant Petra, Chairman, Kasetsart University Alumni Association under the Royal Patronage called upon the committee of the Charity Bowling Match to present Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the event for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
    - Mr Manoon Mookpradit, Deputy Secretary-General, Chaipattana Foundation called upon 2 groups of people to present the money to Her Royal Highness as follows :
     1. Mr Fumiaki Nagachima, President, Thai Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. and the company executives presented the money to Her Royal Highness as contribution for the Scholarships for the students in the Chaipattana-Thai Red Cross Village Project and as contribution for the Scholarships for staff working for the Royal Initiatives to further studies in the Master's Degree in Sustainable Development, Mae Jo University.
     2. Mrs Salarng Bumroongchit and family presented money to Her Royal Highness as donation made to Chaipattana Foundation and Anandha Mahidol Foundation.
  - Mr Hitochi Yabe, Managing Director, Shinken (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. and colleagues presented money to Her Royal Highness for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Mrs Sunanta Leelertphan, President, Dok Bua Koo Co.,Ltd. and the company executives presented Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the "2009 Mini-Half Marathon 32th Anniversary Dok Bua Koo" as donation made to Chaipattana Foundation.
  - Brother Sakda Kitcharoen, Director, Assumption College Sriracha and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the "Thai Buffaloes in the Rice Fields" DVD and their Best Videography Awards from the International Contest in Japan.
  - Mr Wongkot Tangsuebkul, Chairman, Furniture Industry Group, the Federation of Thai Industries and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with desks and chairs for students at Hin Lard Na Hai Witayakom School, Sam Ngao District, Tak Province.