Daily Duties

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14 November 2011 16:00:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn granted permission to Mom Rajawongse Priyangsri Watanakun, Assistant Secretary General in Fund-raising, Thai Red Cross Society to call upon Mr Masahiro Kuwahara, General Manager, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., Bangkok Branch and colleagues to present Her Royal Highness with the contribution for Flood Victim Relief Programme, at Chaipattana Building, Chitralada Villa.

14 November 2011 15:00:00

By the Royal Command of His Majesty the King, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn represented His Majesty the King in granting permission to General Wanchai Ruengtrakul, Chairperson of the committee of the 2010 National Father's Day and the committee to present the income derived from the event to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King, at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa. Mrs Malinee Phukayaphorn, Vice Chairperson also presented money to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King.

  Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn afterwards granted permission to 8 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness at Dusidalai Hall.
  - Mr Ingram Colin Norton, President, Auto (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the contribution for the Fund for Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Assistant Professor Wuthisak Larpcharoensap, President, Ramkhamhaeng University called upon the University executives to present Her Royal Highness with the contribution for the Fund for Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Mr Chaiwat Taephaisitphong, President, Betagro Public Co. Ltd. and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the contribution for the Fund for Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Mr Suchart Boonbanjerdsri, President, EDP Foundation and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the contribution for the Fund for Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Mr Kornwit Suphutthiphong, Managing Director, Nanmee Co. Ltd. and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the contribution for the Fund for Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Mrs Niphanan Choopotcharoen, Chairperson, Ying Thai Samphan Foundation and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the contribution and utilities for the Fund for the Flood Affected People Relief Programme.
  - Mr Thanet Mahitthiset, Chairman, Chaba Cabana Beach Resort and Spa and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the motorboat and the instant noodle for giving to the flood-affected people.
  - Mr Watthana Tangkitwate, Chairman, Vanda Pack Co.,Ltd. and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the Maxliner Boat for giving to the flood affected people at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.

  Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn afterwards represented His Majesty the King in granting permission to Professor Theera Ramasutra, MD, Chairperson, Rajaprachasamasai Foundation under the Royal Patronage to call upon the monks and the laymen to deliver the well-wishes to His Majesty the King on the occasion of His Majesty the King's 84th Birthday Anniversary 5 December 2011 and to present the commemorative book of the Foundation to His Majesty the King, at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa.