Daily Duties

DateTime Description Photo
09 November 2012 15:45:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn granted permission to Mr Suphachai Phanthukanont, Assistant to Grand Chamberlain, in charge of the Royal Chitralada Project to call upon Mr Nop Sattayasai and colleagues to present the money to Her Royal Highness as the contribution for the bio gas education and development programme of Chitralada School. On this occasion Thanphuying Angkab Bunyatthiti, Manager and Director of Chitralada School also attended the audience with Her Royal Highness.

09 November 2012 15:34:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously granted permission to Mr Danai Nilphlab, Chairman, the 22th King's Cup Trophy Golf Tournament to call upon the committee of this event to present Her Royal Highness with the income derived from this tournament as the contribution for Chaipattana Foundation. On this occasion, Miss Thanatthakan Thepphadoongphorn, on behalf of the Thepphadungphorn Maprao Co.,Ltd. also presented the money to Her Royal Highness as the contribution for Chaipattana Foundation, at Chaipattana Building, Chitralada Villa.