Daily Duties

DateTime Description Photo
16 April 2017 00:00:00

 From Sunday 16 to Sunday 23 April 2017 Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn visited the Republic of Austria, Republic of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republic of Macedonia.

At the Republic of Austria, the government of Tyrol bestowed upon Her Royal Highness the Order of the Tyrolean Eagle: the highest Tyrolean Order for her academic work gratitude. Her Royal Highness afterwards visited the University of Innsbruck.
At the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Her Royal Highness visited various places of religious, historical and cultural importance.
At the Republic of Macedonia, Her Royal Highness received the Lifetime Achivement Award presented by the Foundation of the Cultural Alliance of the Republic of Macedonia and visited the places of religious, historical and archaeological importance.