Daily Duties

DateTime Description Photo
02 March 2010 15:00:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously granted permission to 14 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Villa. 
  - Mr Lalit Thanomsingh, Assistant to Secretary-General, Chaipattana Foundation called upon 2 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness and to present the land deeds for the use in Chaipattana Foundation's activities as follows :-
    1. Mr Chaiwat Termsaengsirisak and family presented the deed of the land situated at Nong Hiang Sub-district, Phanas Nikom District, Cholburi Province.
    2. Mr Kornchai Thitasuth and family presented the deed of the land situated at Nam Tao Sub-district, Maharat District, Phra Nakorn Sri Ayudhaya Province.
  - The Committee of the Lawyer Council of Thailand Booth presented Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the booth sales in 2009 Red Cross Fair as donation made for Thai Red Cross Society.
  - Brother Bancha Saenghiran, President, Assumption University called upon the executives and the representatives of the Foreign students of Assumption University to present Her Royal Highness with the money for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Associate Professor Chantra Chaiphanich, Chairman, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University Foundation called upon the committee of the Princess Trophy Charity Bowling Match to present Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the event for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Mr Charan Chueng-ying-ruang-roong, Chairman, the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University Alumni Association called upon the committee of the Alumni Association to present Her Royal Highness with the partial income derived from the Princess Trophy Charity Golf Tournament for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Mr Wanchai Phongsa, Director, the Office of the Provincial Education Region 1 of Nakorn Sri Thammarat Province and colleagues presented the income derived from the contribution of the "Chatukarm Ramadeve" Amulets to His Majesty the King for charity at the discretion of His Majesty the King. 
  - Mrs Metta Utthakaphan, President, Amarin Printing and Publishing PCL. called upon the committee of the 10th "Nai In Award" for 2009 to present Her Royal Highness with the money as the donation made to Queen Savang Vadhana Foundation.
  - Mrs Suwadee Chongsathitwatana, Managing Director, Nanmee Books Co.,Ltd. and the Company Executives presented the income derived from the sales of the children literatures and the publications  to Her Royal Highness for giving to Chaipattana Foundation. 
  - Professor On-anong Naiwikul, Chairperson, the Sacred Heart Convent Alumni Association and colleagues presented Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the Princess Trophy Charity Bowling Match as the donation made to Phradabot Foundation.
  - Mr Suwan Yookphaen, Chairman, Panya Worakun Parents and Teachers Association and the committee of the Mini Marathon on the occasion of Mother's Day presented Her Royal Highness with the income derived from the event for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Miss Pojanee Thiamsak called upon Mr Thara Choochan and family to present Her Royal Highness with the money as the donation made to the Fund for the Development of Children and Youths in Remote Areas.
  - Mr Prakaiphet Waenkate, Senior Presecutor, the Office of the Attorney General presented Her Royal Highness with the money for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness on the occasion of Her Royal Highness's Birthday Anniversary 2 April 2010.
  - Khunying Phuangrat Wiwekanont, Chairperson, the Primary School Administrators Association of Thailand and colleagues called upon 2 groups of people to attend the audiences with Her Royal Highness as follows :
    1. The Executives and the Deputies of the Outstanding Primary Schools for 2007 to received the brooches with Her Royal Highness's initials as a mark of honour.
    2. The Representatives of the group to present money to Her Royal Highness presented Her Royal Highness with the money as the donation made to Chaipattana Foundation, Long distance education via satellite Foundation and for charity at the discretion of Her Royal Highness.
  - Mr Sanit Aksornkaew, Chairman , the Energy for Environment Centre, Sirindhorn International Environmental Park under the royal patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn called upon Mr Hiroshi Nakangawa, President, Isuzu Sales Group Foundation and colleagues to present Her Royal Highness with the truck for giving to the Sirindhorn International Environmental Park.

02 March 2010 16:45:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn graciously granted permission to Mr Alberto Yoacham Soffia, Ambassador of the Republic of Chile to Thailand and his wife to attend an audience with Her Royal Highness at Chaipattana Building, Chitralada VIlla on the occasion of his assumption of duties in the Kingdom.

02 March 2010 17:15:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn attended the cremation ceremony for the late General Serm Na Nakorn at Dhebsirindrawas Temple, Pomprab Sattruphai District.

01 March 2010 09:00:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn presided over the opening ceremony of the 7th Thai-Sino Relations Seminar on the Theme of "Green Development" , after delivering the Opening Address and attending the lectures of Thai and Chinese participants, in the afternoon, Her Royal Highness delivered the special lecture on "The Experience from the  Eco-Friendly Rural Development" at Samarnachan Room, the Head Office, Kasikorn Bank, Rart Burana District.

01 March 2010 17:30:00

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn attened the cremation ceremony for the late Mr Charoen Chongsathitwatana at Hua Lamphong Temple, Bang Rak District.