Daily Duties

DateTime Description Photo
07 August 2009 00:00:00

- Omkoi Witayakom School, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province. Her Royal Highness observed the construction site of the hall of residence for students, meeting with the villagers, teachers and students. Later on Her Royal Highness observed the curricular activities of the school and "Mae Fah Luang" Community Learning Centre.

07 August 2009 00:00:00

- Huay Bon Reservoir, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province.

07 August 2009 00:00:00

- The construction site of Omkoi District Learning Centre, Omkoi District, Chiang Mai Province. Her Royal Highness considered the master plan of the land development for this learning centre, and later on visiting the Medical Unit and meeting with the local people. 

07 August 2009 00:00:00

From Thursday 6 to Friday 7 August 2009 Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn carried out the royal engagements in Chiang Mai Province. On Friday 7 August 2009 Her Royal Highness visited places as follows :